How to Handle a Negative Online Review

Oct 15, 2022Messaging, Reviews, SEO0 comments

No business is perfect, and at some point, every business eventually gets a negative review online.

Whether it’s a one-star rating on Yelp or an unflattering post on Facebook, a negative review can damage your reputation—and your bottom line. But there are ways to minimize the impact of a negative review and even turn it into a positive for your business. Here’s how:

Tip #1 – Don’t Take It Personally

The first thing you need to do is take a step back and understand that the customer is upset about something that has nothing to do with you as an individual. It’s important not to take negativity personally because that will only make the situation worse. Keep in mind that the customer is upset about a product or service, not you as a person. So, don’t take it personally! This will help you respond without coming off as defensive or hostile.

Tip #2 – Acknowledge the Review

The first step in responding to the customer, is to acknowledge the review. Thank the reviewer for their feedback and apologize for any inconvenience they may have experienced. This shows that you’re taking the complaint seriously and are willing to work with the customer to make things right. Don’t argue with the reviewer or try to explain away their complaints; this will only make you look defensive and unprofessional.

Tip #3 – Respond Promptly and Publicly

Try to respond to the review as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the more damage control you’ll have to do. And when you do respond, be sure to do so publicly—don’t send a private message or email. This shows other potential customers that you’re not afraid to address complaints head-on. It also gives you an opportunity to defend your business if necessary and shows that you’re willing to go above and beyond to resolve any issues.

Tip #4 – Use it as an Opportunity to Improve Your Business

Finally, use the negative review as an opportunity to improve your business. Take a look at what the reviewer said and see if there’s any truth to their claims. Are there areas of your business that could use some improvement? Use the feedback you receive from negative reviews to make changes that will benefit your business in the long run.


Receiving a negative review can feel like you are being attacked, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. By responding promptly, publicly, and professionally, you can turn a negative into a positive and use it as an opportunity to improve your business.

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