
one inbox for all messages

Appear everywhere your customers are looking

Manage your business listings across more than 50 sites to appear in more searches and rank higher everywhere online.

Rank higher and attract more customers on Google

Build an attractive and consistent presence for your business and all your locations on Google or wherever your customers look. Add the ability to message leads on their channel of choice and quickly turn them into customers.

rank higher on google

Drive More Leads with Listings

Let us optimize your Google and Facebook Business Profiles and help you maintain accurate information
across dozens of online business profiles with zero effort.

Manage your online listings

Turn Your Google Profile into a Lead Generator

get a google profile

Get going on Google fast

Don’t wait for that postcard from Google. With LJA Reviews, you can help you set up, launch, and start converting customers from your Google Business Profile in days, not weeks.

Represent your brand accurately

Inaccurate listings kill SEO. We give you tools purpose-built for top-of-page results on Google, Facebook, Bing, and other leading sites. Ensure your listing offers and appointments links are accurate, get notified of any inconsistencies, and drive leads to your business no matter where they search.

rank higher in local search
easy listing managment

Effortless by design

Whether you have 1 or 1,000 locations, we make managing listings, posting work hours, images, and adding locations or service areas as simple as an email. We handle all the complicated stuff so you can focus on managing your business.

Rich reporting and dashboards

Our Listings dashboard gives you a complete library of reports across all your locations’ online performance — making it easier than ever to monitor traffic, call volume, and keyword ranking, and address red flags in real-time.

listings reporting and dashboards

Make your business easy to find